Accumulating more than 6 years of experience, Calvin’s keen sense and knowledge in this industry is what gives him the competitive edge as a top real estate expert. His expertise in commercial and residential real estate combined with his background in business marketing allow him to provide his clients with a unique and successful real estate experience each time.

Calvin’s sharp and dedicated team consists of designated members specialized in each residential section, be it condos, houses, townhouses, luxury real estate or pre-sales.

Fluent in four languages, see how Calvin’s articulate negotiations skills, success to deliver results every single time will exceed your expectations with all your real estate goals and needs.

市場營銷專家武凱文出生於台灣,成長於加拿大。Calvin 最初是在加拿大東部,具備平面設計和商業營銷背景。在過去 6 年 Calvin 一直與 John 一起工作。在各方面均非常專業,他能運用他的知識,幫助實現 Jovi 地產在競爭激烈的溫哥華房地產市場提升到新的層次。

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